This place is for the birds....and other album sort of things.
What you can view from this page are the Bebka photo archives. The most recent albums can be found on the individual Bebka pages. There are thumbnails from their album(s) that, when clicked on, will show a pop-up of the full sized pic. Other pics, in the main content area are put there by the Bebka owner of their page.

Maintaining your own photo album on your own page is pretty easy. Web Guy has already set up an assigned folder to each Bebka. You can edit the existing content of these albums by logging into our own page Content Management System via a link in the footer of the paqe. You'll find some simple directions in the 'Admin' page by clicking the AE icon link (same log in user/password as the CMS).
The easiest way and least hassle to add images to your album is to use the CMS. It does require that you log in with your username and password. If you forget yours, it can automagically be emailed to you by Aunt Nancy or Uncle Ron. Each Bebka also has assigned a sub-folder under your album folder for pics you want to put into the main content area. It's named "mypics" and you'll see that folder listed when you use the CMS to insert an image.
You can upload additional pics to the assigned folders anytime and the ones in the album folder will magically appear as thumbnails in the left column of your page and the ones from the "mypics" folder will appear wherever you place them when you edit the page..

Let Uncle Ron know if/when you would like to make/assign additional photo albums that will appear with a title and button(s) for each set of six or so. Uncle Ron already has 3 showing on his page.
Use the "email" nav button on any page (or this link) for sending a secure email to Uncle Ron.
Don't be bashful. Remember, you can't mess anything up that Uncle Ron can't fix.