Bebka Hang Gliding

Bebka Instructions: These are called thumbnails. The big ones are being loaded while you read this, so Bebkas read slow and by the time you finish this they will be ready and waiting for you to view.

The little guys below are links to the big guys. You can click on a pic to see the big one, BUT you need to use your "Back" button to return here. Got that? Amazing!

Hangin' Out!
Strappin' In
No Turnin' Back!
Aaa! The Trees!
We finally, after a year of trying, got around to actually doin' it. Wallaby Ranch is a neat place to visit, hang out (pun intended) and get to watch and do some neat stuff.

About a year ago (April, 99) Uncle Ron discovered this place while an international competition was in progress and he and Aunt Nancy went there a few times, but the weather kept them from trying it out.
How High?
To The Moon!?
What goes up.....
You're Next, Bebka
Uncle Ron helped man the goal line at this year's international meet. There was a different task each day. Every contestant was towed up and released at 2000 feet.

One day 37 out of 90 finished that day's task. This is considered too good as the tasks are designed for a maximum 30% success rate. The task went from Wallaby Ranch to Labelle, FL... 106 miles! Many were in the air for over 6 and 7 hours!


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